Happy Holidays!

Happy Holidays from us over at Nerd Storm Production!

Many of us will not be around for the Holidays. However, I will still be accessible in case of emergency. For all our Minecraft Fairy Tail fans, we may push out one more pack update before the end of the year to version 1.7.0.

For our other followers on different platforms, the new year will bring some exciting new changes that we look forward to released. One such change is exporting our games onto multiple mobile platforms in addition to PC! Exciting times are ahead!

Things do slow down for us around this time of year. However, we will pick back up after the ring in of the New Year. The New Year should bring tons of exciting events.

This year has been rewarding for us as a whole and we appreciate all our supporters and fans who make that possible. I am not one for long winded speeches so I leave you a simple message:

Enjoy the holidays! Have fun! Be thankful! See you in the New Year!

Smooth Development

Despite the silence on the site the game is still coming along nicely. We hope to have at least 50% of the game done by January. Then it won’t be long from that point. This weekend we are actually going to retweak some of the older areas to add in more loots.

Midnight Rising Development

Development on Midnight Rising is coming along smoothly. A lot of content is already finished and we have actually uploaded a client for testing purposes. This client is in no way complete and may have bugs present in it. Do not be surprised if the game crashes or any other oddities in the game may occur (walking through walls, over cliffs, through water, etc.)